Monday, February 15, 2010

Just Google It

Have you ever noticed how much time you actually spend on the computer when all you went to do was get an answer to what had seemed like a very simple question? I fall victim to it pretty much every single day. Don't know the lyrics to a song? Google it and being that driving takes up a lot of my time traveling Monday through Thursday from Merrick to Oakdale I am always wondering who sings that song? Or what was that second verse? Lyrics and a name that's all you can be looking for but three hours later not only do you know the answers you went in searching for but you also know they live in Studio City with two kids and a dog. Google is for lack of a better word "hypnotizing", you started out on google but ended up on itunes buying all their latest hits, so now not only did this take up three hours of your time but at least a $1.29. It gets better when your trying to write a psychology paper and just wanted to know the name of a theorist and come out of your google frenzy a psychologist yourself diagnosing yourself with about fifteen different diseases. Google has a great power over its users, myself being one of them, but why? Why isn't it simple to go in with one question and come out with one answer? Google it.

1 comment:

  1. Hi, Lauren. You make some interesting observations about our use of media today. The funny thing is, in your Ultimate Control post you discuss how the user controls the media, but in your Just Google It post you discuss how Google basically controls the user. Really, really interesting because I think they're both true observations. I just never thought of it that way. Thanks.
