Tuesday, March 30, 2010

What's up with 3D?

New trends are emerging in the media every day, it seems as if today's generation is upping the anti on technology. New things are approaching faster than ever, the itouch, ipad, the kindle, internet on cell phones, and 3D movies. Wait, is 3D new? Surprising to most and even myself at first to find out that 3D movies are not as new as we think. The new part is that the 3D world is surviving and even more than that, thriving. Why all of a sudden is this "new" (or maybe not so new) world of 3D becoming the next big thing? Some say it's because this generation, this world we live in, our society is wanting everything bigger, better, more spectacular, more out of the ordinary, just more. I definitely agree that, that reason is absolutely true and 100% correct, but I also believe that are other factors to be calculated into this equation as to why 3D is becoming so successful.

Was the movie Up portrayed as the same fantastic movie in 2D as it was in 3D? For most the answer was yes but what about Avatar? Somebody told me that when they saw Avatar in 3D it wasn't just a movie, it was an experience, some even said it made them dizzy. Every person I asked about Avatar who had seen it in 3D said nothing about the story line but about the special effects. We are seeing that the movies that are in 3D fall into more of an action based catagory because what use is it to see Valentine's Day in 3D? A 3D action or adventure movie is keeping people on the edge of their seats and more stimulated than ever before.

Another reason I believe that 3D is maintaining such a high status in the media industry is because of the money it is taking in. Going to see a movie is certainly not as cheap as it used to be and the rates seem to just keep rising making people in this economy stay away from movie theaters. The internet being one of our main sources of media capturing other media within it, newspapers, music, TV shows, and even movies. There are many sites that stream new movies for free, so why pay $11? When it comes to 3D movies they have yet to find a way to stream those for free, but they have come out with the new 3D televisions which is bringing them more money. According to CBS going to see 3D movie in IMAX is going to cost the average New Yorker $20. In this economy will it stop people from going to the movies? I believe that until 3d movies are streaming online for free or until everyone can afford a 3D television people will continue to go to the movies, maybe not all, but most.

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  1. Loved, loved, loved Up! Was it 3D? I had no idea, but there was a certain look to it that I couldn't explain. Maybe that's why. I'd love to see Up in 3D!

  2. I was one of those people who called Avatar an experience!! That it was! Here's my take...on things (from movies to any other form of entertainment) getting bigger and better as you say (and I agree!). Everyday the world to me is becoming more and more stressful, each minute is filled with something to do someone to see, someone to e mail, someone to text, bbm, somewhere to go, how do we get there..we take the express train, how do we text..we use one button to compute whole sentences...you get the idea. With all this being said I am exhausted even typing it. Therefore I believe movies serve as a form of escapism, a mental getaway if you will.We can't all take the time to hop on a plane every weekend but we sure can take 3 hours out of a day for an interactive "vacation." Now who in this day and age of ultimate stress does not want that? And with the level of stress increasing we need the intensity of the escape to increase as well. Hence 3D movies. Mark my words soon the seats in the theater will move as well, and you'll have googles which will give you the option of being in the movie yourself!!

  3. 3D is just a special effect on steriods.. it's another way to entice and compell - if it enhances something to make it memorable and enjoyable then great. If it is used as a means of distraction from a weak story line and the budget calls for this VERY expensive means of graphic artistry then more power to ya.

  4. For now, the 3-D movies are creating million dollar studio epics like the recent movie "Alice in Wonderland." However, with so much controversy about how uncomfortable it is, how much more expensive it gets, and how much less cinematography techniques are used, we don't know how long this is going to last. 3-D movies are fun to watch once in a while, but maybe they can't get as far as the color movie revolution and take over the new generation of cinema.
